‘CONICA’ Waterproofing

CONICA systems follow the latest developments regarding polyurethane resins to be used in waterproofing car parks, bridges, tunnels, decks, etc. A comprehensive waterproofing system requires different layers or coats, each of which is related to a different role –primer, membranes, sealer, etc. For a long lasting waterproofing experience, it is crucial that every product is perfectly designed, and that all of them coordinate with each other creating a comprehensive, tested system.

CONICA systems are endorsed by multiple certifications (ZTV-SIB, Rili Dafstb OS 11, Veritas, BBA, among others) and a longstanding experience within every climatological environment.

Completed Projects

Málaga International AirportPorto International AirportAlfândega da FéSan Agustín MarketCampofrío - BurgosBodegas Pintia –winery Antas Shopping CentreResidents’ Association of San AntonioColiseum at A CoruñaProductos Casado – food industryGalicia City of CultureTVMAC-Galicia’s roofHotel VelázquezRoss Breeders Peninsular